Troop 24

Leadership overnighter & Solano Stroll


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Congratulations to Jeremy & Alfred on Becoming Eagle Scouts!

Leadership overnight at Fremont Peak State Park

This is a campout to determine the rest of the programs during this scouting year. If your scout has ideas for activities/outings, please let your patrol leader know so they can be discussed and added to the calendar.
When: Sat-Sun, 9/12-13. Meet at the church at 8am sharp on Saturday! Return by lunch on Sunday.
What to bring: Your lunch, camping gear, ten essentials.
What to wear: Travel in Class A (always). Check the weather for campsite appropriate clothing.
NEEDED! Drivers to Fremont Peak. We are seeking drivers who can attend or drop off scouts. Please email Scoutmaster Dave if you can help (contact page).

Solano Stroll – help at the Climbing Wall

Help with the line, do some climbing yourself, learn some good knots, have fun in the sun, get service hours.
When: Sun, 9/13, 3:30-5pm. Look for the climbing wall on Solano avenue, I think it’s usually on the lower part.
What to wear: Class A since you are representing the Troop.
ASM in charge: Bill T.