Wreath Fundraiser

If you are interested in supporting our Troop or buying a wreath…

WHAT: This annual sale of wreaths is the biggest fundraiser of the year not only for the Troop, but also for individual Scouts. The wreaths are of very good quality and you can be sure that they will look good until well after Christmas. They also come with an nice red bow or blue bow (optional but included with ). Scouts sell the wreaths for $32 each. We ask that each scout sells at least one box of 12 wreaths. Scouts get $2 per wreath sold, deposited into their scout account, which goes up to $5 each after the 10th wreath sold. The troop gets the remainder, after the wholesale cost of about $27.

WHEN: The wreaths will be ordered soon and arrive at just before Thanksgiving. This gives scouts the opportunity to collect orders from neighbors and friends, and be able to deliver the wreaths in time for thanksgiving. This – acting early – is by far the easiest way to make the required 12 sales.

Nearer Christmas, there will also be some group selling opportunities outside various churches before services, and coffee houses. The proceeds are divided between the scouts who are present.

WHERE: The wreaths are delivered to the Church. Each scout will have the opportunity to pick wreaths up from the church. Scouts should watch for an email that tells them when to pick up as well as other details.

HOW: Scouts have found most success going back to neighbors who were happy with their wreaths last year. Make sure you keep good records of orders, who has paid, who needs to pay, whether you have delivered the wreath, etc.

Each scout is expected to take home and sell at least one box of 12 wreaths, and bring the cash/checks (payable to “BSA Troop 24”) to the meetings, once the treasurer sends out an email instructing everyone too.

WHY: It is great to be able to fund raise by selling something that is good quality, for a good cause, that people enjoy having, and will probably buy from somewhere else, if not from you. And make a little for yourself into the deal!