Herms C.H.E.C.K., Backpacking & Upcoming Events


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Update (Mar. 12): The Mar. 14 Troop meeting will be a Court of Honor and  will start with a potluck beforehand  at 7pm. Please see ASM Mike’s group email for details.

Curious about scouts? You are welcome to drop by our regular troop meetings which are held at 7:30pm on Tuesdays (see the calendar to check a specific date) in the building beside the church.

Herms C.H.E.C.K. Merit Badge Faire

When: Sat., Mar. 18: Faire hours are 8am3pm.
Where: The Faire will be at Camp Herms.
Details: See ASM Roy’s group email for details.

Backpacking at Henry Coe State Park

When: Sat., Mar. 18 -Sun., Mar. 19: Details to be announced.
Where: Backing packing at  Henry Coe State Park.
Details: Pack a lunch for Saturday. As always on a Troop trip, wear your Class A uniform to & from the park.More details to follow. Required if you are participating in the 50 miler.

Upcoming Events (Calendar)

  • Mar. 12, 2017: 50 miler meeting at 5pm at the church.
  • Mar. 12, 2017: The PLC will meet at the church at 6pm. All leadership positions should attend.
  • Mar. 25-26, 2017: Camporee practice at Garin Regional Park.
  • Mar. 25-26, 2017: Evan M’s eagle project.
  • Mar. 25-26, 2017: Gabe W’s eagle project.
  • Apr. 1-2, 2017: Alec T’s eagle project.
  • Apr. 2, 2017: Camporee service and orienteering course set up at Lake Berryessa.
  • Apr. 15, 2017: 9am1pm (tentative). Shooting sports. Work on your shooting sport merit badge. Richmond Rod & Gun Club (map). A completed shooting sport permission slip is required.


  • Note: Permission slips are attached to troop calendar events. If no check/cash is required, a scan of the permission slip can be emailed to permissionslip@troop24berkeley.org
  • Thanks to all parents who legibly write their scout’s name and purpose of payment on the memo. line of the check! Checks are the preferred means of payment, but we take cash or Paypal ☺.
  • You can check your scout account by emailing the treasurer using this link.

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